воскресенье, 26 апреля 2015 г.


According to Kazakh tradition, after the Creator had endowed each land with natural wealth and beauty, he generously gave the remainder over to a single place, Bayanaul. This amazing hill country is located in the northeast part of the Sary-Arka steppe.
In Kazakh, Bayanaul means "rich, happy mountains". It is a combination of fantastic rocks, mysterious caves, mountain lakes abundant in fish, pine forests with mushrooms and berries, and crystal springs. Bayanaul is not only one of the most beautiful places in Kazakhstan; once this land was the scene of many legends and important historical events, and is sacred to the Kazakh people.
Картинки по запросу Bayanaul

As you come to Bayanaul, you will understand why this land is so celebrated. The everlasting change from cold to hot, strong winds and geological processes created beautiful natural formations. Some of them are true granite "sculptures": "the Stone Head", "the Dove", and others. There are also numerous simpler formations that impress the visitor with the perfect union of animate nature and rocks. The lakes of Jasybai, Sabandykol and Toraigyr quietly lay in intermountain troughs, just like mirrors in the precious rim of the mountains.

A few years ago Bayanaul received the status of a National Park, so the beauty of this land will be preserved for generations to come. However, this precious gift of nature serves humans. For centuries, people celebrated the healing climate of Bayanaul in poetry; many children’s recreational camps and rest homes have been built on the shores of its lakes.

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